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Product information


Product description

Semaglutide is a synthetic glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that has garnered significant attention in the field of endocrinology and metabolic research. Structurally similar to native GLP-1, semaglutide is designed with modifications that enhance its half-life and resistance to degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4). This peptide binds to and activates the GLP-1 receptor, initiating a cascade of physiological responses that affect glucose homeostasis, appetite regulation, and cardiovascular function.

Semaglutide ()

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Product Usage: This product is intended solely for use as a research chemical in vitro and laboratory experimentation by licensed, qualified professionals. It is not approved for human or animal consumption. Misuse, misbranding, or mislabeling as a drug, food, or cosmetic is strictly prohibited. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Table of Contents

  1. Characteristics
  2. How does Semaglutide work?
  3. Research
  4. Side Effects
  5. Summary
  6. Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  7. References


Molecular Formula


CAS Number


Molar Mass

4113.641 g/mol

Amino Acid Sequence



Semaglutide, Ozempic, Wegovy, NN9535, NN9934, GLP1, GLP-1



Organoleptic Profile

White to off-white powder


Synthetic peptide

How does Semaglutide work?

Semaglutide exerts its effects through several interconnected mechanisms:

  1. GLP-1 Receptor Activation: Semaglutide binds to and activates GLP-1 receptors, which are expressed in various tissues including pancreatic islets, the gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system. This activation initiates intracellular signaling cascades, primarily through cyclic AMP (cAMP) and protein kinase A (PKA) pathways.

  2. Pancreatic Effects: In pancreatic β-cells, semaglutide enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by increasing intracellular cAMP levels and promoting calcium influx. Simultaneously, it inhibits glucagon secretion from α-cells, contributing to improved glucose homeostasis.

  3. Central Nervous System Effects: Semaglutide crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts on GLP-1 receptors in the hypothalamus and brainstem. This central action modulates appetite-regulating neurons, leading to reduced food intake and increased satiety.

  4. Gastrointestinal Effects: By slowing gastric emptying, semaglutide helps to reduce postprandial glucose excursions and contributes to the sensation of fullness.

  5. Cardiovascular System: While the exact mechanisms are not fully elucidated, semaglutide appears to have direct and indirect effects on the cardiovascular system. These may include improvements in endothelial function, reduction in inflammation, and beneficial changes in lipid metabolism.

  6. Metabolic Rate: Some studies suggest that semaglutide may influence energy expenditure, potentially through effects on brown adipose tissue activation, although this area requires further investigation.

  7. Hepatic Effects: Semaglutide has been shown to reduce liver fat content in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), possibly through improvements in insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism.

The combined action of these mechanisms results in improved glycemic control, weight loss, and potential cardiovascular benefits observed in clinical studies. The complex interplay of these effects underscores the importance of continued research to fully elucidate the therapeutic potential and physiological impacts of semaglutide and other GLP-1 receptor agonists.


  • Glucose Homeostasis: Semaglutide stimulates glucose-dependent insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells while suppressing glucagon release from α-cells. This dual action contributes to improved glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

  • Appetite Regulation: By acting on GLP-1 receptors in the hypothalamus and other brain regions associated with appetite control, semaglutide reduces food intake and promotes satiety.

  • Body Weight Reduction: Through its effects on appetite and potentially other metabolic pathways, semaglutide has been shown to facilitate significant weight loss in clinical studies.

  • Cardiovascular Effects: Research indicates that semaglutide may have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors, including improvements in lipid profiles and blood pressure.

Side Effects

The most common side effects associated with semaglutide include:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Abdominal pain

  • Constipation

  • Headache

  • Injection site reactions (for injectable formulations)

These side effects are generally mild to moderate and tend to diminish over time with continued use.


Semaglutide represents a significant advancement in GLP-1 receptor agonist research, offering a potent tool for investigating the multifaceted roles of GLP-1 signaling in metabolic and cardiovascular physiology. Its demonstrated efficacy in glycemic control, weight management, and potential cardiovascular benefits makes it a valuable subject for ongoing research in the treatment of T2DM, obesity, and related metabolic disorders. As investigations continue, semaglutide may provide insights into novel therapeutic strategies for addressing the growing global burden of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.


  1. Laurindo LF, Barbalho SM, Guiguer EL, da Silva Soares de Souza M, de Souza GA, Fidalgo TM, Araújo AC, de Souza Gonzaga HF, de Bortoli Teixeira D, de Oliveira Silva Ullmann T, Sloan KP, Sloan LA. GLP-1a: Going beyond Traditional Use. Int J Mol Sci. 2022.

  2. Chao AM, Tronieri JS, Amaro A, Wadden TA. Semaglutide for the treatment of obesity. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2023.

  3. Smits MM, Van Raalte DH. Safety of Semaglutide. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021.

  4. Davies M, Færch L, Jeppesen OK, Pakseresht A, Pedersen SD, Perreault L, Rosenstock J, Shimomura I, Viljoen A, Wadden TA, Lingvay I; STEP 2 Study Group. Semaglutide 2·4 mg once a week in adults with overweight or obesity, and type 2 diabetes (STEP 2): a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2021.

  5. Weghuber D, Barrett T, Barrientos-Pérez M, Gies I, Hesse D, Jeppesen OK, Kelly AS, Mastrandrea LD, Sørrig R, Arslanian S; STEP TEENS Investigators. Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adolescents with Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2022.

  6. Tan HC, Dampil OA, Marquez MM. Efficacy and Safety of Semaglutide for Weight Loss in Obesity Without Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc. 2022.

  7. Wadden TA, Bailey TS, Billings LK, Davies M, Frias JP, Koroleva A, Lingvay I, O'Neil PM, Rubino DM, Skovgaard D, Wallenstein SOR, Garvey WT; STEP 3 Investigators. Effect of Subcutaneous Semaglutide vs Placebo as an Adjunct to Intensive Behavioral Therapy on Body Weight in Adults With Overweight or Obesity: The STEP 3 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2021.

  8. Singh G, Krauthamer M, Bjalme-Evans M. Wegovy (semaglutide): a new weight loss drug for chronic weight management. J Investig Med. 2022.

  9. Gabery S, Salinas CG, Paulsen SJ, Ahnfelt-Rønne J, Alanentalo T, Baquero AF, Buckley ST, Farkas E, Fekete C, Frederiksen KS, Helms HCC, Jeppesen JF, John LM, Pyke C, Nøhr J, Lu TT, Polex-Wolf J, Prevot V, Raun K, Simonsen L, Sun G, Szilvásy-Szabó A, Willenbrock H, Secher A, Knudsen LB, Hogendorf WFJ. Semaglutide lowers body weight in rodents via distributed neural pathways. JCI Insight. 2020.

  10. Dandona P, Chaudhuri A, Ghanim H. Semaglutide in Early Type 1 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2023.

  11. Blundell J, Finlayson G, Axelsen M, Flint A, Gibbons C, Kvist T, Hjerpsted JB. Effects of once-weekly semaglutide on appetite, energy intake, control of eating, food preference and body weight in subjects with obesity. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2017.

  12. Kadowaki T, Isendahl J, Khalid U, Lee SY, Nishida T, Ogawa W, Tobe K, Yamauchi T, Lim S; STEP 6 investigators. Semaglutide once a week in adults with overweight or obesity, with or without type 2 diabetes in an east Asian population (STEP 6): a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, phase 3a trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2022.

  13. Mahapatra MK, Karuppasamy M, Sahoo BM. Therapeutic Potential of Semaglutide, a Newer GLP-1 Receptor Agonist, in Abating Obesity, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis and Neurodegenerative diseases: A Narrative Review. Pharm Res. 2022.

  14. Overgaard RV, Navarria A, Ingwersen SH, Bækdal TA, Kildemoes RJ. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Oral Semaglutide: Analyses of Data from Clinical Pharmacology Trials. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2021.

  15. McGuire DK, Busui RP, Deanfield J, Inzucchi SE, Mann JFE, Marx N, Mulvagh SL, Poulter N, Engelmann MDM, Hovingh GK, Ripa MS, Gislum M, Brown-Frandsen K, Buse JB. Effects of oral semaglutide on cardiovascular outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes and established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or chronic kidney disease: Design and baseline characteristics of SOUL, a randomized trial. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2023.

  16. Wharton S, Batterham RL, Bhatta M, Buscemi S, Christensen LN, Frias JP, Jódar E, Kandler K, Rigas G, Wadden TA, Garvey WT. Two-year effect of semaglutide 2.4 mg on control of eating in adults with overweight/obesity: STEP 5. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2023.

  17. Friedrichsen M, Breitschaft A, Tadayon S, Wizert A, Skovgaard D. The effect of semaglutide 2.4 mg once weekly on energy intake, appetite, control of eating, and gastric emptying in adults with obesity. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021.

  18. Niu S, Chen S, Chen X, Ren Q, Yue L, Pan X, Zhao H, Li Z, Chen X. Semaglutide ameliorates metabolism and hepatic outcomes in an NAFLD mouse model. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022.

  19. Chuong V, Farokhnia M, Khom S, Pince CL, Elvig SK, Vlkolinsky R, Marchette RC, Koob GF, Roberto M, Vendruscolo LF, Leggio L. The glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue semaglutide reduces alcohol drinking and modulates central GABA neurotransmission. JCI Insight. 2023.

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