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Product information


Product description

Adipotide is a synthetic peptidomimetic compound designed to target and induce apoptosis in blood vessels supplying white adipose tissue, leading to fat loss and potential treatment for obesity and related metabolic disorders. This innovative peptide consists of a homing domain that targets the prohibitin protein on adipose tissue vasculature and a pro-apoptotic domain that triggers cell death in targeted blood vessels. By selectively reducing blood supply to white fat, Adipotide promotes the shrinkage of fat deposits without affecting other tissues.

Adipotide-FTPP ()

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Third party tested

Product Usage: This product is intended solely for use as a research chemical in vitro and laboratory experimentation by licensed, qualified professionals. It is not approved for human or animal consumption. Misuse, misbranding, or mislabeling as a drug, food, or cosmetic is strictly prohibited. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Table of Contents

  1. Characteristics
  2. How does Adipotide work?
  3. Benefits
  4. Side Effects
  5. Summary
  6. References


Molecular Formula




Molar Mass

3661.1 g/mol

Amino Acid Sequence



CKGGRAKLAKLAC, Adipotide, Prohibitin-TP01, FTPP, Fat-Targeted Proapoptotic Peptide


Water soluble

Organoleptic Profile

White powder


Synthetic peptide

How does Adipotide work?

Adipotide is a targeted peptide that selectively binds to the prohibitin protein, which is highly expressed on the surface of endothelial cells in WAT vasculature. Upon binding, Adipotide is internalized by these cells and induces apoptosis, leading to the destruction of WAT vasculature and subsequent reduction in fat mass. This targeted approach minimizes potential side effects on other tissues, as the peptide primarily affects the blood vessels supplying WAT.

The peptide consists of two main components: a homing domain that targets prohibitin and a pro-apoptotic domain that induces cell death. The homing domain is derived from a phage-display library and has a high affinity for prohibitin, ensuring specific targeting of WAT vasculature. The pro-apoptotic domain is a synthetic peptide that disrupts mitochondrial membrane integrity, triggering the apoptotic cascade within the targeted cells.


  • Targeted weight loss: Adipotide selectively eliminates WAT, leading to significant weight loss without affecting other tissues or organs. In preclinical studies, treatment with Adipotide resulted in a 30% reduction in body weight and a 50% reduction in fat mass in obese mice.

  • Improved metabolic health: By reducing WAT mass, Adipotide can improve various metabolic parameters associated with obesity. Studies have shown that Adipotide treatment leads to enhanced insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and improved lipid profiles in animal models of obesity.

  • Potential for treating obesity-related comorbidities: Obesity is a major risk factor for various chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. By effectively reducing WAT mass, Adipotide may help prevent or manage these obesity-related comorbidities.

  • Minimized side effects: Adipotide's targeted approach reduces the risk of adverse effects on other tissues, as it primarily affects the blood vessels supplying WAT. This selectivity is a significant advantage over conventional weight loss therapies, which often have systemic side effects.

  • Complementary to lifestyle interventions: Adipotide can be used in conjunction with dietary and exercise interventions to enhance weight loss and improve overall health outcomes in obese individuals.

Side Effects

While Adipotide has demonstrated promising results in preclinical studies, it is essential to note that the peptide is still in the early stages of development, and its safety profile in mammals has not been fully established. Some potential side effects that have been observed in animal studies include:

  • Injection site reactions: Local irritation, redness, or swelling at the site of Adipotide administration.

  • Transient fever: Some animals experienced a temporary increase in body temperature following Adipotide treatment.

  • Mild gastrointestinal distress: Occasional reports of nausea or diarrhea were noted in animal studies.

It is crucial to emphasize that these side effects were observed in preclinical studies, and the safety and tolerability of Adipotide in mammals remain to be determined through rigorous clinical trials.


Adipotide is a groundbreaking peptide-based compound that selectively targets and eliminates white adipose tissue, offering a novel approach to combat obesity and its related metabolic disorders. By inducing apoptosis in WAT vasculature, Adipotide leads to significant weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation in preclinical models. While the peptide has shown promise in animal studies, its safety and efficacy in mammals have yet to be established through clinical trials. As research continues, Adipotide may emerge as a valuable tool in the fight against the global obesity epidemic, providing a targeted and potentially safer alternative to current weight loss therapies. However, further studies are needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action, optimize its delivery, and assess its long-term safety and efficacy in mammals.


  1. Kolonin, M. G., Saha, P. K., Chan, L., Pasqualini, R., & Arap, W. (2004). Reversal of obesity by targeted ablation of adipose tissue. Nature Medicine, 10(6), 625-632.

  2. Barnhart, K. F., Christianson, D. R., Hanley, P. W., Driessen, W. H., Bernacky, B. J., Baze, W. B., ... & Kolonin, M. G. (2011). A peptidomimetic targeting white fat causes weight loss and improved insulin resistance in obese monkeys. Science Translational Medicine.

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