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Product information


Product description

Selank is a synthetic peptide and an analog of the endogenous tetrapeptide tuftsin, with the sequence Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg. This neuropeptide has been extensively researched for its potential therapeutic applications, particularly in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases. Selank exhibits pronounced anxiolytic and nootropic effects, as well as immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a promising candidate for various neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders.

Selank ()

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Product Usage: This product is intended solely for use as a research chemical in vitro and laboratory experimentation by licensed, qualified professionals. It is not approved for human or animal consumption. Misuse, misbranding, or mislabeling as a drug, food, or cosmetic is strictly prohibited. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Table of Contents

  1. Characteristics
  2. How does Selank work?
  3. Benefits
  4. Side Effects
  5. Summary
  6. Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  7. References


Molecular Formula


CAS Number


Molar Mass

555.64 g/mol

Amino Acid Sequence



TP-7, Immunomodulator Selank, Antidepressant Selank, Selanc



Organoleptic Profile

White to off-white powder


Synthetic peptide

How does Selank work?

Selank exerts its effects through multiple mechanisms of action. It has been shown to modulate the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor TrkB, which are crucial for neuronal survival, growth, and synaptic plasticity. Selank also interacts with the GABAergic system, enhancing the inhibitory neurotransmission and thus producing anxiolytic effects. Additionally, Selank has been found to regulate the activity of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation and cognitive function.Furthermore, Selank exhibits immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to modulate the production of cytokines, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and to enhance the activity of natural killer cells, thereby boosting the immune response. Selank also demonstrates antioxidant effects, protecting cells from oxidative stress-induced damage.


  • Anxiolytic effects Selank has been extensively studied for its potent anxiolytic properties, comparable to those of benzodiazepines but without the associated side effects. Clinical trials have demonstrated its efficacy in reducing anxiety symptoms in patients with generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  • Antidepressant effects Selank has shown promise as an antidepressant, improving mood and reducing depressive symptoms in animal models and human clinical trials. Its antidepressant effects are thought to be mediated through the modulation of monoaminergic neurotransmission and the regulation of BDNF expression.

  • Cognitive enhancement Selank has been reported to improve cognitive function, particularly in the domains of memory, attention, and learning. Animal studies have shown that Selank enhances spatial memory and learning, while trials on mammals have demonstrated improvements in verbal memory and attention in patients with cognitive impairments.

  • Neuroprotection Selank exhibits neuroprotective properties, potentially due to its ability to modulate BDNF expression and its antioxidant effects. In animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, Selank has been shown to attenuate neuronal damage and improve cognitive function.

  • Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects Selank has been found to modulate the immune response and exert anti-inflammatory effects. It has been shown to regulate the production of cytokines and enhance the activity of immune cells, suggesting potential applications in inflammatory and autoimmune disorders.

Side Effects

Selank is generally well-tolerated, with few reported side effects in clinical trials. The most common side effects include

  • Mild headache

  • Dizziness

  • Dry mouth

  • Fatigue

These side effects are usually transient and resolve spontaneously. No serious adverse events have been reported in association with Selank use. However, more extensive clinical trials are needed to fully evaluate its safety profile.


Selank is a promising synthetic peptide with a wide range of potential therapeutic applications. Its anxiolytic, antidepressant, and cognitive-enhancing effects, combined with its neuroprotective and immunomodulatory properties, make it an attractive candidate for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders. While the available preclinical and clinical data are encouraging, further research is needed to fully elucidate its mechanisms of action and establish its safety and efficacy in humans. As a research peptide, Selank offers a unique opportunity for scientists to investigate novel therapeutic strategies for complex neurological and psychiatric conditions.


  1. Kolomin, T., Morozova, M., Volkova, A., Shadrina, M., & Slominsky, P. (2022). Selank Administration Affects the Expression of Genes Related to GABAergic Neurotransmission in the Mouse Brain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(20), 12468.

  2. Semenova, T. P., Kozlovskaya, M. M., Zakharova, N. M., Kozlovskii, I. I., & Zuikov, A. V. (2016). Experimental optimization of a novel peptide drug form based on the heptapeptide Selank. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 49(11), 749-752.

  3. Volkova, A., Shadrina, M., Kolomin, T., Andreeva, L., Limborska, S., Myasoedov, N., & Slominsky, P. (2019). Selank Administration Affects the Expression of Some Genes Involved in GABAergic Neurotransmission. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10, 1142.

  4. Uchakina, O. N., Uchakin, P. N., Toropova, K. A., Eremina, A. A., & Miasoedov, N. F. (2017). Immunomodulatory effects of selank in patients with anxiety-asthenic disorders. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova, 117(4), 37-41.

  5. Sokolov, O. Y., Meshavkin, V. K., Kost, N. V., & Zolotarev, Y. A. (2019). Effects of Selank on behavioral reactions and activities of plasma enzymes in mice with different phenotypes of emotional and stress reactions. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 167(3), 323-325.

  6. Gusev, E. I., Martynov, M. Y., Kostenko, E. V., Petrova, L. V., & Bobyreva, S. N. (2020). The efficacy and safety of Selank in the treatment of anxiety disorders and neurasthenia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova, 120(5), 53-60.

  7. Semenova, T. P., Kozlovskii, I. I., Zakharova, N. M., & Kozlovskaya, M. M. (2016). Preclinical study of the safety of the new drug Selank. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 162(1), 89-91.

  8. Slominsky, P. A., Shadrina, M. I., Kolomin, T. A., Agapova, T. Y., Agniullin, Y. V., Shram, S. I., & Myasoedov, N. F. (2020). Peptide Selank enhances the effect of diazepam in reducing anxiety in unpredictable chronic mild stress conditions in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 378, 112297.

  9. Kolomin, T., Shadrina, M., Slominsky, P., Limborska, S., & Myasoedov, N. (2019). The heptapeptide Selank enhances the expression of BDNF and GDNF in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 487(1), 263-265.

  10. Kozlovskaya, M. M., Kozlovskii, I. I., Val'dman, E. A., & Seredenin, S. B. (2003). Selank and short peptides of the tuftsin family in the regulation of adaptive behavior in stress. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 33(9), 853-860.

  11. Zolotarev, Y. A., Dadayan, A. K., Dolotov, O. V., Kozik, V. S., Kost, N. V., Sokolov, O. Y., & Myasoedov, N. F. (2006). Evenly tritium labeled peptides in study of peptide in vivo and in vitro biodegradation. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 32(2), 166-173.

  12. Semenova, T. P., Kozlovskii, I. I., Zakharova, N. M., & Kozlovskaya, M. M. (2015). Experimental optimization of a novel peptide drug form based on the heptapeptide Selank. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 49(11), 749-752.

  13. Sokolov, O. Y., Meshavkin, V. K., Kost, N. V., & Zolotarev, Y. A. (2019). Effects of Selank on behavioral reactions and activities of plasma enzymes in mice with different phenotypes of emotional and stress reactions. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 167(3), 323-325.

  14. Gusev, E. I., Martynov, M. Y., Kostenko, E. V., Petrova, L. V., & Bobyreva, S. N. (2020). The efficacy and safety of Selank in the treatment of anxiety disorders and neurasthenia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova, 120(5), 53-60.

  15. Seredenin, S. B., Blednov, Y. A., Badyshtov, B. A., Gordey, M. L., & Nagovitsina, Y. A. (1998). Pharmacogenetic analysis of mechanisms of emotional stress: effects of benzodiazepines. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 851, 458-462.

  16. Uchakina, O. N., Uchakin, P. N., Miasoedov, N. F., Andreeva, L. A., Scherbenko, V. E., Mezentseva, M. V., & Gabaeva, M. V. (2008). Immunomodulatory effects of selank in patients with anxiety-asthenic disorders. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova, 108(5), 71-75.

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