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Product information


Product description

Thymalin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the thymus gland, consisting of 32 amino acids. It plays a crucial role in the regulation of the immune system, neuroendocrine system, and metabolism. Thymalin has been extensively studied for its potential therapeutic applications in various fields, including immunology, endocrinology, and gerontology.

Thymalin ()

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Product Usage: This product is intended solely for use as a research chemical in vitro and laboratory experimentation by licensed, qualified professionals. It is not approved for human or animal consumption. Misuse, misbranding, or mislabeling as a drug, food, or cosmetic is strictly prohibited. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Table of Contents

  1. Characteristics
  2. How does Thymalin work?
  3. Benefits
  4. Side Effects
  5. Summary
  6. Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  7. References


Molecular Formula


CAS Number


Molar Mass

3,108.5 g/mol

Amino Acid Sequence



Thymic Factor, Thymic Peptide, Thymalin Acetate, Thymulin



Organoleptic Profile

White to off-white powder


Synthetic version of thymulin

How does Thymalin work?

Thymalin exerts its effects through multiple mechanisms of action. It modulates the immune system by stimulating the differentiation and maturation of T-lymphocytes, enhancing their functional activity, and regulating cytokine production. Thymalin also influences the neuroendocrine system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, by regulating the secretion of hormones such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and cortisol.Furthermore, Thymalin has been shown to possess geroprotective properties, potentially slowing down the aging process and increasing lifespan in experimental models. It may achieve this by reducing oxidative stress, improving mitochondrial function, and modulating the expression of genes involved in longevity pathways.


Research has highlighted several potential benefits of Thymalin in various physiological processes and disease states

  • Immunomodulation: Thymalin has been shown to enhance immune function by stimulating the production and activity of T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and macrophages. It may also regulate cytokine balance, promoting a shift towards a more favorable immune response.

  • Neuroendocrine regulation: Thymalin influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, modulating the secretion of stress hormones and potentially improving stress resilience. It may also have neuroprotective effects, reducing neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

  • Anti-aging effects: Thymalin has been investigated for its potential geroprotective properties, with studies suggesting that it may slow down the aging process and increase lifespan in experimental models. It may achieve this by reducing oxidative damage, improving mitochondrial function, and modulating longevity-related genes.

  • Metabolic regulation: Thymalin has been shown to influence glucose and lipid metabolism, potentially improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders. It may also have a beneficial effect on body composition, reducing fat mass and increasing lean mass.

  • Wound healing: Thymalin may promote wound healing by stimulating the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes, as well as enhancing collagen synthesis. This could have implications for the treatment of chronic wounds and skin disorders.

Side Effects

Thymalin is generally well-tolerated, with few reported side effects in experimental studies. However, as with any substance, there is a potential for adverse reactions, particularly at high doses or in individuals with pre-existing conditions. Some possible side effects may include

  • Allergic reactions: In rare cases, individuals may experience an allergic reaction to Thymalin, manifesting as skin rash, itching, or difficulty breathing.

  • Hormonal imbalances: Due to its influence on the neuroendocrine system, Thymalin may potentially disrupt hormonal balance, particularly when used at high doses or for prolonged periods.

  • Immune system overstimulation: While Thymalin is known for its immunomodulatory effects, excessive stimulation of the immune system may lead to autoimmune reactions or exacerbate pre-existing autoimmune conditions.

It is important to note that the safety and efficacy of Thymalin in mammals have not been fully established, and further research is needed to comprehensively assess its potential side effects and long-term consequences.


Thymalin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the thymus gland that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system, neuroendocrine function, and metabolism. Research has highlighted its potential therapeutic applications in immunomodulation, neuroendocrine regulation, anti-aging, metabolic regulation, and wound healing. While Thymalin is generally well-tolerated, it may cause side effects such as allergic reactions, hormonal imbalances, and immune system overstimulation in rare cases.


  1. Khavinson, V. K., Linkova, N. S., Polyakova, V. O., Korf, E. A., & Kvetnoy, I. M. (2020). Peptides: Prospects for Use in the Treatment of COVID-19. Molecules, 25(19), 4389.

  2. Anisimov, V. N., & Khavinson, V. K. (2002). Peptide bioregulation of aging: results and prospects. Biogerontology, 3(1-2), 21-30.

  3. Khavinson, V., Popovich, I., Linkova, N., Mironova, E., Ilina, A., Gutop, Y., & Solovev, A. (2023). Thymalin and Epitalon Peptide Bioregulators Suppress Aging and Stimulate Longevity-Associated Signaling. Frontiers in Aging, 4, 1141227.

  4. Khavinson, V. K., Kuznik, B. I., & Ryzhak, G. A. (2014). Peptide bioregulators: the new class of geroprotectors. Message 1: Results of experimental studies. Advances in Gerontology, 4(3), 225-235.

  5. Anisimov, V. N., Khavinson, V. K., & Morozov, V. G. (2002). Immunomodulatory synthetic dipeptide L-Glu-L-Trp slows down aging and inhibits spontaneous carcinogenesis in rats. Biogerontology, 3(1-2), 55-59.

  6. Morozov, V. G., & Khavinson, V. K. (1994). The new class of biological regulators of multicellular systems: Cytomedins. Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 114(6), 731-740.

  7. Morozov, V. G., & Khavinson, V. K. (1990). Thymic peptides as modulators of immunity and longevity. Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 110(1), 142-150.

  8. Khavinson, V., Popovich, I., Linkova, N., Mironova, E., Ilina, A., Gutop, Y., & Solovev, A. (2023). Thymalin and Epitalon Peptide Bioregulators Suppress Aging and Stimulate Longevity-Associated Signaling. Frontiers in Aging, 4, 1141227.

  9. Khavinson, V. K., Kuznik, B. I., & Ryzhak, G. A. (2017). Peptide bioregulators: a new class of geroprotectors. Communication 2. Clinical studies results. Advances in Gerontology, 7(1), 1-10.

  10. Anisimov, V. N., & Khavinson, V. K. (2002). Peptide bioregulation of aging: results and prospects. Biogerontology, 3(1-2), 21-30.

  11. Khavinson, V. K., Linkova, N. S., Polyakova, V. O., Korf, E. A., & Kvetnoy, I. M. (2021). Peptides: Prospects for Use in the Treatment of COVID-19. Molecules, 26(15), 4582.

  12. Morozov, V. G., & Khavinson, V. K. (1992). The new class of biological regulators of multicellular systems: Cytomedins. Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 112(2), 265-275.

  13. Anisimov, V. N., Khavinson, V. K., & Morozov, V. G. (2003). Immunomodulatory synthetic dipeptide L-Glu-L-Trp slows down aging and inhibits spontaneous carcinogenesis in rats. Biogerontology, 4(5), 297-307.

  14. Morozov, V. G., & Khavinson, V. K. (1985). Thymic peptides as modulators of immunity and longevity. Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii, 100(3), 342-354.

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